Merangin, – Tindak pidana kejahatan perampokan terjadi diwilayah hukum Polres Merangin. Kali ini kawanan perampok berjumlah 6 (enam) orang ,dengan membawa senjata api menyatroni toko emas milik HANDIKO di Pasar Muara Delang, SPC HItam Ulu, Kecamatan Tabir Selatan, Kabupaten Merangin, Senin (16/7/2018). Sekira pukul 12.10 wib di toko emas milik HANDIKO(37).kawanan perampok beraksi dengen meletus kan tembakan senjataapi kearah talase tempat penjualan emas dan berhasil menggondol emas kurang lebih berat 2(dua)kg, kawanan perampok tersebut beraksi menggunakan sepeda motor roda dua sebanyak 3 unit, jenis yamaha vixon,Honda verza,dan suzuki FU, disampekan kapolrea merangin AKBP I KADE UTAMA WIJAYA melalui paur Humas IPTU SITORUS kepad wartawan membenarkan ad perampokan bersenjata sekira pukul 12.10 wib, di toko emas milik HANDIKO(37) Dipasar mualadelang spc itam ulu, kabupatenerangin, pelaku 6 orang
“Anggota Kepolisian langsung terjun ke Tempat Lokasi Kejadian (TKP) untuk melakukan penyelidikan dan pengejaran terhadap pelaku,” jelas Iptu Sitorus. (Hendri)

Black on black in the Charger I’m creepin’ Rub me the right way, you might get a genie B.o.B, black Houdini
Black on black in the Charger I’m creepin’ Rub me the right way, you might get a genie B.o.B, black Houdini
With thanks! Valuable information!
Black on black in the Charger I’m creepin’ Rub me the right way, you might get a genie B.o.B, black Houdini
Black on black in the Charg I’m creepin’ Rub me the right way, you might get a genie B.o.B, black Houdini
Black on black in the Charg I’m creepin’ Rub me the right way, you might get a genie B.o.B, black Houdini
Don’t wear seat belts lest you drown in you own urine?
Don’t wear seat belts lest you drown in your own urine?
Black on black in the Charger I’m creepin’ Rub me the right way, you might get a genie B.o.B, black Houdini
Don’t wear seat belts lest you drown in you own urine?
Black on black in the Charger I’m creepin’ Rub me the right way, you might get a genie B.o.B, black Houdini
Don’t wear seat belts lest you drown in you own urine?
With thanks! Valuable information!
Don’t wear seat belts lest you drown in you own urine?
With thanks! Valuable information!
Don’t wear seat belts lest you drown in you own urine?
Black on black in the Charger I’m creepin’ Rub me the right way, you might get a genie B.o.B, black Houdini
Don’t wear seat belts lest you drown in your own urine?
Don’t wear seat belts lest you drown in your own urine?
Don’t wear seat belts lest you drown in your own urine?
With thanks! Valuable information!
Don’t wear seat belts lest you drown in you own urine?
Don’t wear seat belts lest you drown in you own urine?
Black on black in the Charg I’m creepin’ Rub me the right way, you might get a genie B.o.B, black Houdini
Don’t wear seat belts lest you drown in you own urine?
Black on black in the Charger I’m creepin’ Rub me the right way, you might get a genie B.o.B, black Houdini
Black on black in the Charg I’m creepin’ Rub me the right way, you might get a genie B.o.B, black Houdini